Defence and Security Accelerator for E scooter criminality prevention
November 1, 2021
LegalTHE British UK Defense accelator had produced a market inspection exploring the way E bikes and E scooters can if necessary come to a halt. With the tackling E-Scooter and E-Bike enabled crime. These crimes often come along side other forms of rider vulnerablity.
Riders sometimes may not be wearing protective equipment (e.g. a helmet) when the E bikes and E scooters are travelling at high speeds. Making it tricky for police to consider.
The small wheels of E-Scooters and high centre of gravity of the rider make the rider vulnerable to injury in the event of a loss of control.
Operationally the UK Police are looking to be able to bring these vehicles to a controlled stop in a manner which does not pose a significant risk to the rider, the public or police officers.
Therefore, there is a significant desire to augment or replace solutions to this problem.
What they are looking for:
- What we want To identify new and innovative concepts / designs that could enhance police ability to prevent and stop E-Scooters and E-Bikes from being used for crime.
The key requirements are that any system / technology should:
render a stationary E-Scooter or E-Bike incapable of moving off.
bring a moving E-Scooter or E-Bike to a controlled stop.
be capable of being successfully deployed in many different locations against E-Scooters or E-Bikes whilst they are moving or stationary, i.e. the system/technology should be readily portable.
be target specific, i.e. does not affect persons or technology around the suspect vehicle.
be reliable in use and consistent when activated.
We would like to focus on emerging and current technologies/systems that are judged to have potential to provide the effects required by the police. This may include technology that has not been deployed operationally before or could include a combination of different technologies/mechanisms/techniques to provide the desired effect.
We will consider solutions which would allow E-Scooters, E-Bikes or suspects using them to commit crime, to be electronically located post event, thus reducing the need for a vehicle pursuit.
We are interested in innovative capabilities and ideas for stopping or preventing E-Scooter and E-Bike crime at any maturity level. Submissions should be provided by teams with the experience and knowledge necessary to establish sound scientific evidence for any potential technology and associated hardware.
Submissions are invited which address E-Scooters and E-Bikes together or individually.
Your submission will also help us identify your interests in this area, and, where appropriate, we can introduce you to your regional DASA Innovation Partner to discuss any future activity.
This is a problem that has ministerial interest. Your submission may be exposed to law enforcement stakeholders at a roundtable discussion convened to consider the submitted ideas. Potentially successful technologies and concepts may be exploited within any future acquisition programmes.
They do not want solutions to prevent the loss/theft of E-Scooters/E-Bikes.
Neither do they want literature reviews, paper-based studies, consultancy, non-technical solutions or marginal improvements to existing capabilities.
This is not a competition. This is a market exploration request for information only and they do not commit to subsequently launch a formal DASA competition.